There seems to be an overwhelming amount of hatred in this world and in peoples hearts,
And it's getting increasingly hard to ignore.
We fail to put ourselves in others shoes, because we can't fathom, or rather we don't want to, being in the same place as them.
We refuse to sympathize because it's simply not our problem.
I pray you never find yourself in need.
I pray this world brings you everything you desire.
As we receive those blessings, let us not forget the less fortunate.
Human or animal.
Who are we if we do not help those who cannot help themselves?
I found myself getting angrier and angrier as the days go by, seeing and hearing so many people place blame on those who have less.
Blaming their choices, their lifestyle, their circumstances,
Turning away at it all, with no empathy in sight.
If we do not help, then who will?
I'd like to think there is more good hearted people in this world, then not.
Please show me I'm not wrong.
With so much evil in the world, be the good.
I beg you.